Saturday, December 29, 2012

Pedal faster!



The stock pedals were an embarrassment and I replaced them with pedals of a competition nature, lightweight, drilled aluminum, etc. 

These custom pedals come in two flavors: with or without rubber blivits in the holes in the pedals. I, being a minimalist, chose the without blivits option. Naturally I have been regretting my choice for the last two years of ownership. Everywhere I see high performance pedals they always have blivits. 

So I have been finally moved to order the blivits as a Christmas gift to myself. And today, in the fullness of time, I have achieved pedal Nirvana, with blivits. And all is right with the world...

The pedals were custom made by:

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Audi RS5!

I got a call last night saying that there is an RS5 in blue sitting at the dealership unclaimed and available for sale.


But I decided to stay with my S5 because I have better brakes (Brembo), and better looking brakes, and it would be a hassle to switch them over to the new RS5.  There's not *that* much difference between my car and the RS5, except the extra few horsepower, the pushbutton start, and a handful of other minor differences that I can live without.  And, the blue is a bit bright for my preferences right now.

It's really just another shiny object, a toy, a distraction...

Consider the wise words of 
 Henry David Thoreau:  A man is rich in proportion to the number of things he can afford to let alone.  

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Road trip!

Del Mar to Santa Barbara to 

Ragged Point (Big Sur) to 

Half Moon Bay 

along the awesome Pacific Coast Highway, CA route 1.


Sunday, February 26, 2012

New Logo for door

An updated logo has been developed using the collaborative efforts of and is being used on Double M Systems branded websites.  We expect to update the Audi S5 driver's door to reflect this change.